by Inkysquid | Nov 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
I have lost count of the number of books I have recorded in the Classic Crime series. They’re brilliantly edited by Martin Edwards so I was thrilled to record his fascinating history of the genre. From The Hound of the Baskervilles to Strangers on a Train. I am...
by Gordon Griffin | Oct 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
I have recorded three or four of Patrick O’Brian’s marvellous Aubrey/Maturin novels set during the Napoleonic Wars as well as his first published novel The Catalans. His writing is rich and his characters strong. So I was thrilled to be entrusted with...
by Gordon Griffin | Mar 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
What a privilege to record this extraordinary book by heart surgery Professor Stephen Westaby. His first book Fragile Lives (which I also recorded) is passionate and powerful but The Knifeās Edge is darker and angrier. His battle trying save lives (often desperately...
by Gordon Griffin | Jan 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
It’s great to get feedback especially when it’s from the writer of the book you’re recording. I am recording the Hillsbridge Sagas by Janet Tanner – a four part series that follows the Hall family in the mining community of Hillsbridge in...
by Gordon Griffin | Sep 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
I am thrilled to be recording David Lough’s new book WINSTON DARLING – the letters between Churchill and his beautiful American mother Jennie. The letters start when Winston is only eight and continue until Jennie’s death forty years later. The...
by Gordon Griffin | Aug 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
I think you’d need to be of a certain age to remember Alan Melville. In the late 50s he seemed to be everywhere on television (only one channel then, and that in black-and-white) from The Brains Trust, What’s my Line? and a particular favourite of mine...
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